BFI Event – British African and Caribbean Women Stars of the Screen

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Saturday  18 June 2011

BFI Southbank, Belvedere Road SE1.

Our BFI focus on British African and Caribbean Women Stars of the Screen was a hit!

Sold out well in advance, eager fans flocked to a packed NFT3 and were treated to clips from both vintage and contemporary film and television, ranging from 'Empire Road'  to hit shows of today like BBC's 'Luther.'

Guests Corinne Skinner-Carter, Ellen Thomas, Cathy Tyson and Nikki Amuka-Bird generously discussed their work and shared their insights into roles, stereotypes and navigating their way through the challenges of a highly-competitive business.

"Inspiring. Enlightening. Motivating. A real pleasure to have been there. The day was a warm, embracing wind blowing across the bleak and lonely wilderness of isolation … well done and thank you." Afua Vianna Naa-Lamle

"For an aspiring actress like me, it was  an enjoyable, informative, useful and priceless experience of which I hope there'll be more."  Demi Oyediran

"A refreshing and inspiring day …you created and hosted a very enlightening, necessary, enigmatic day of powerful black women – now we have to show what we can do together!"  Marcia Sledge

"A truly remarkable day. I was thrilled with the event… each contribution was perfect, with Ade as a perfect host creating an opportunity for unique insights into the creative context and process of your work… a rich, varied and balanced programme."  David Somerset, Education Curator/Programmer, BFI Southbank.

The day of talks and screenings celebrated the talents and achievements of African and Caribbean actresses, and explored their struggle to contribute to excellence in UK film and television. In the morning Corinne Skinner-Carter (Empire Road, Pressure) joined filmmaker and author Nia Reynolds for an illustrated discussion of her work. In the afternoon, I chaired a panel discussion with actresses  Cathy Tyson, Ellen Thomas, Nikki Amuka-Bird and looked to the roles and stories of tomorrow.

I was  thrilled at the quality of the contributions, and delighted at the turn-out (so sorry to those of you who were unable to get tickets – we'll have a bigger venue next time!) Many thanks to David Somerset and Meriel Rosser of the BFI for their superb and tireless support with the event, and – of course – mega thanks to  the wonderful, brilliant actresses who volunteered their time and wisdom. Thank you all very much. True stars every one of you! XXX

Now planning a follow-up. Join our mailing list to be kept updated.


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